Hot Damn: Texas-sized trial lawyer kicks Dem. Gov. hopeful $2.5 million. Is that legal? Is he insane? This is wrong for all kinds of reasons. The GOP-incumbent called Counselor O'Quinn a "trial lawyer sugar daddy." Read [KWTX-TV]
This got TMMS to thinking about dirty, er, legal and clean dollars flowing into elections all-time.
Batting lead off, a consortium of docs and hospitals making campaign donations to the tune of:
65% of the booty is going to the GOP with getting med mal caps at the top of the wish list.
Batting cleanup, a well-schooled crew of lawyers, donating an abusurd amount: $89,041,046
Dems get 69%
Other Big Individual Hitters:
The Assn. of Trial Lawyers: $26,599,956.
American Medical Assn: $23,139,274
American Hospital Assn: $12,978,544
This is nuts. A system must be screwed up if docs and lawyers will donate so much cash to preserve, or change, the way liability issues are handled.
For more election season money fun, go here.
Anyone think publicly financed elections would help? Chime in.
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