1) “We cannot push for medical reforms without working for better patient safety. And patient safety involves working to eliminate judgment errors and system errors. Then, doctors, private hospitals and consumer activists have to come together to present a persuasive argument for liability reform”
So says Shastri Swaminathan, a psychiatrist who will take over as Chicago Medical Society president in June. Well said, doc. Read [India News]
2) Any truth to this?
“Every year half of all neurosurgeons in the U.S. can expect to be sued. Seventy-six percent of all obstetrician/gynecologists have been sued at least once, 57 percent have been sued twice, and nearly 42 percent have been sued three times or more. About one-third of doctors in my own specialty -- orthopedics -- as well as one-third of trauma surgeons, emergency room doctors, and plastic and reconstructive surgeons can expect to be the target of a lawsuit in any given year. Either we've got the worst medical system in the world, or our legal system is out of whack. The facts suggest the latter, as only 1 percent of claims -- 1 in every 100 -- result in a verdict for the plaintiff.” Interesting numbers being thrown out by Doctors for Medical Liability Reform. FYI: they want the Senate to enact caps on lawsuits. The 100 begin chatting this topic up on May 2. Read [Washington Times]
3) A new bill passed by the House in Arizona would require a higher legal burden of proof for medical malpractice lawsuits against health care personnel in emergency health care situations. Thoughts? Read [Insurance Journal]
4) It’s the "Please Don't Feed the Trial Lawyers" ads versus the "Haven't the Big Corporate CEO's Taken Enough?" ones. Guess whose behind which of these full-page ads appearing nationwide here and here and read up on the whole nasty battle ensuing over medial liability reform, here.
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