October 11, 2006

America's Skin Shall Shine

Derma And on this day, we declare that America's acne begone. Good riddance, psoriasis. We will be a land of skin doctors!


Because more and more med students are opting to become dermatologists, leaving thirsty specialties behind. The pay is better and other pursuits— family practice, internal medicine and obstetrics—live in the land of high malpractice rates, long hours and health insurance woes. Get in where you fit in.

Read [Kaiser Network]

September 13, 2006

The Great Untalked About in Med-Mal

Dougwojceszak_6From the most recent SorryWorks! Newsletter:

The media often talks about the pain visited upon patients and families by medical errors (which is very real), but rarely do they talk about the pain and suffering experienced by medical professionals after medical errors. Sure, there are those healthcare professionals who are cold and callous and truly don't care, but the vast majority of doctors and nurses suffer greatly after a medical error. They beat themselves up and literally grieve.

The situation is made worse when risk management and defense counsel tell the doctor or nurse to shut up and abandon the patient/family. Healthcare professionals being told not to heal patients and families who have been hurt only makes a bad situation worse. There are countless stories of clinical depression, ruined careers, divorces, and even suicides among healthcare professionals after medical errors.

Doctors and nurses need healing too after errors, and they can only receive the healing they need by taking ownership of an error, confessing their mistake to a patient and family, apologizing, and then hearing the magic words from a patient or family: "I forgive you."

August 29, 2006

Mississippi: Surgeon Shortage Just Getting Worse

Miss "The problem reached crisis level here just a few years ago, when some surgeons began leaving, saying they could no longer afford their malpractice insurance in notoriously litigious Mississippi. Some others temporarily went on strike. Legislative tort reform and measures taken by hospitals had been reported to have eased that problem somewhat. But now Katrina appears to have exacerbated it, and officials say the problem is worse than ever before." Read [Sun Herald]

August 28, 2006

Med-Mal News Roundup

Critics of Med-Mal Caps Send Illinois Gov. A Message: "This cruel law ... hurts innocent Illinois citizens and has done nothing to reduce doctors’ insurance costs." Read [Chicago Business]

News_15 Watts Hospital Born From '60s Riots To Close? Led Cali In Malpractice Suits Read [Washington Post]

Pres. Bush Says 1,600 Counties Don't Have OB-GYNs Read [Philadelphia Inquirer]

Bush Flashback. For Kicks:
"Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." Read [The Whitehouse]

August 22, 2006

Welcome Back!

Gabekaplanthumb We ran into Gabe Kaplan on our way back from the beach. He shouted "Welcome Back," as the train entered the station. We replied, "We've missed you, too, Kotter." Guess he needs the snarky, biting look at America's never-ending liabilty circus.

A little roundup to get back into the swing.

Big Easy Hospitals Need Beaucoup $$ To Reopen, Pay Malpractice Insurance Read [KATC-TV]

W. Va Hospital Where Dr. Lawsuit Worked May Stay Open
Read [The State Journal]

"Crusader" Sued Vet, Now Wants Pets to Get Rights Read [Saginaw News]

Boob Job: Non-Certified Docs Cashing in On Plastic Surgery Read [Dayton Daily News]

Docs Say Being Sued Is Part of Being a OB/GYN Read [Charleston Gazette]

May 25, 2006

An Inmate's Rx and Lawsuit Fears

InmateGuy gets tossed in the slammer. Says he's got a toothache. The nurse thinks lawsuit first and passes the pills. The county pays.

"The ailments may just be outlandish, but we can’t afford to tell them they’re crazy. We have to err on the side of caution because if they really are sick, and we don’t provide care, we’re opening ourselves to a lawsuit." Don't you love the liability climate. Read [Alton Telegraph]

About TMMS

  • ThisMakesMeSick answers renowned medical inventor Dr. Robert Fischell's wish to spread awareness (and outrage!) about the medical liability crisis that's ruining our healthcare system.

    Learn more...

What makes you sick?

  • We want to hear your thoughts and personal stories.

    Have you...

    • Fretted over rising malpractice premiums?

    • Signed a truly unbelievable medical liability waiver?

    • Faced a frivolous lawsuit?

    • Dealt with a doctor or a hospital who wouldn't take responsiblity for their actions?

    • Practiced defensive medicine?

    Let us know about groups and individuals offering real solutions. And be sure to add your comments to our posts.

    Contact the editor of ThisMakesMeSick.

    Subscribe to our RSS Feed.

You don't say...

  • "This election destroyed a popular Karl Rove myth. The truth is that trial attorneys are winning, attacks on trial attorneys are backfiring and opponents of the civil justice system are losing."

    The CEO of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America said.

  • "We have discovered that virtually all patients are willing to sign a contract in which they agree not to sue their doctors on frivolous grounds."

    Jeffrey Segal, M.D, a board-certified neurosurgeon and the founder and president of Medical Justice Services, Inc., said.

  • "Low-risk obstetrics has been done here for 60 years, but not anymore."

    Carl Hanson, chief operating officer of the county-run Minidoka Memorial Hospital in southern Idaho hospital's, explained as they get out of the baby business. Read

  • "I have children, and I don't know where they're at."

    Rosalinda Elison, a former patient at the UC Irvine Medical Center’s fertility clinic, said after learning that that her eggs and embryos had been stolen and implanted in another woman who then gave birth to twins.

    Read more You Don't Say, here.

Crisis by numbers:

  • $4.6 million

    New York state grants available to expand the use of electronic medical records. Such initiatives have been hailed nationally as a way to cut medication errors, save money and improve patient safety. LINK

  • $700,000

    Amount raised by Fairness and Accountability in Insurance Reform to oppose malpractice limits in Arizona. LINK

  • $450,000

    Amount the Arizona Medical Association says Arizonans for Access to Health Care has raised to decide whether to push for montetary limits on lawsuits. LINK

    Read more CRISIS BY NUMBERS, here.

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