The whole idea behind ThisMakesMeSick is exposing the outrageous problems of America's medical liability nightmare.
We've been evenhanded over the past year going after the dirtbags causing the mess, no matter if they are lawyers, doctors, patients, politicos, or insurance companies.
Recently, we heard a truly sick tale from Blaine Stanziana about his wife's horriffic hospital stay:
My wife went into Pittsburgh's Mercy hospital on 10-3-05 for a hysterectomy. The morning of the surgery we told hospital doctors that my wife still had a sore throat. They ignored us. My wife then placed this information in the preoperative anesthetic evaluation form where question 6 asked " Have you had any of these symptoms in the past week? A Sore Throat? A cough or cold? My wife then checked the yes box's for both answers.
My wife developed the Flesh Eating Disease called Necrotizing Fasciitious in her surgery incision six hours after surgery. My wife then underwent five emergency surgeries in three days to save her life. She was on a breathing machine fighting for her life. In all she had seven surgeries in eight days all because the hospital did not listen to us about her having a sore throat the morning of the surgery.
Here is a photo taken by Blaine of his wife after the incident.
If you have a tale, let's hear it! EMAIL US
Strep throat contains the same form of bacteria that causes the Flesh Eating Disease, we have now uncovered evidence that Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh has changed my wife's answers on the form where it asked the questions about having a sore throat and being sick where she put yes to these questions.
The hospital has changed her answers to NO to try to cover up their terrible mistake that almost cost me my wife of 25 years.
Since this terrible ordeal has changed our lives all the hospital can do is keep sending us bills. Imagine! I think the public has a right to know how a sore throat and the ears of hospital doctors who were not listening nearly cost a woman her life.
What should they do?
Hey, authors, I have to ask. You call it a medical liability nightmare. Why? Because insurance rates increase? Because trials take time? Because they're expensive? The Studdert study showed that it gets it right pretty often, but is there a system you're familiar with that is more accurate?
This is a serious question. And is there a system that you believe is not a "nightmare" that you would prefer? And if you say European systems or no-fault, are you willing to give the public the benefits of those systems beyond just the benefits that go to the physicians?
Posted by: Matt | September 21, 2006 at 09:22 PM
It's very bad that the doctors hadn't paid attention to your wife.I remember a similar case of a friend of mine and after the surgery she needed three months recovery time after the hysterectomy.
Posted by: Cara Fletcher | September 07, 2007 at 06:09 AM
Thats really to bad that stuff like this happens.
Posted by: Hartford Medical Malpractice Lawyer | July 24, 2008 at 03:56 PM
I know this post is pretty old, but OMG, this just makes my stomach hurt. It is just incredible that doctors and hospitals can sometimes get away with cover ups and people have to suffer like this. Stop treating your patients like cattle and really stop and listen when they tell you something. It's their job to save lives not put them in harms way.
Posted by: Ajlouny | July 31, 2009 at 01:14 AM