Emails have been coming in from across the country since we launched in early November. As hoped, the posts have stirred warm thanks, colorful dismissals and bewilderment. Here are a few. Keep it coming. Dialogue initiates change.
"A national and state level board should monitor those lawyers issuing lawsuits against the medical profession. Those lawyers that are deemed by their peers as issuing frivolous lawsuits should be banned from practice, pay fines, and/or be put in jail. The high cost of medical care, misuse of taxpayer dollars, and the undue strain placed both on the patient and physician to go through a long and tedious trial should all be reasons that these lawyers who seek financial compensation through frivolous lawsuits should be monitored closely, judged, and held responsible by their peers."
M. Reddy, MD Houston, Texas
Read more after the jump. We invite you to contact the editor or comment on our posts.
"While your site focuses very heavily on the problems with frivolous lawsuits and bad doctors driving up the costs for other doctors, your site (in my review) completely misses the greatest common enemy of both the legal and medical bars: the insurance companies. During periods when they are making records profits, they are raising their rates. While litigation only comprises 1% of their total budget, they blame the skyrocketing rates on frivolous lawsuits. On the health insurance end, while their costs are only rising by approximately 30-40%, they are raising their rates by 200-500%. . . . Hopefully, someday, both sides in this battle (attorneys and doctors) will recognize their common enemy." B. Braddock, Florence, South Carolina
In reference to the post on a link between lawsuit fears and vaccine development came this.
“There has been a Vaccine Compensation Program for over a decade which pre-empts most lawsuits for vaccine. There have probably not been more than 50 vaccine lawsuits over the last 25 years, and maybe 1/2 of them have been successful. What's more, it's pretty common knowledge that the reason major drug companies aren't in the business of vaccines is because they are unprofitable as governments are the main buyers. There is no true "free market" for this because the public sector is the primary purchaser. Do a little research.” Anonoymous